Sunday, February 10, 2008

Political Duality

Thanks for great comments on that previous post!

Honestly, I really feel inadequate to engage in any proficient political dialogue, so attempting to respond to your comments raises more anxieties than thoughts for me... :) However, the great thing about politics is that any conversation can be valuable and stimulating - we all have more to learn! (that exclamation point felt kind of cheesy - the voice inside my head hollered, "Yea for learning!").

So, here's what's more central to my thoughts right now:
Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of politics is that we only have 2 viable choices: democrat or republican.

Every issue then gets placed on one side of the fence or the other. Then, when we're forced to make a decision which side we support (in order to vote), we have no choice but to take the bad with the good.

The vast array of issues and their inherent intricacies are complex enough - now, we have to divide every one straight down an immutable line of red and blue?
In this partitioning, you'd think it would make your choice easier - you only have 2 options! Shoot, if you really don't know, flip a coin. But life is way too messy for this duality to be adequate.

So, I'm stranded in the middle of opposing tensions. Both sides, Democrat and Republican appeal to me depending on the issue.

What if I want to be for the environment, pro-life, support the firefighters (that's for Ashley-like all good southern gals raised on grits and Reaganomics, she took a job with the union. please don't miss the heavy sarcasm there), against socialized health care, anti-war, but for the right to bear arms, not really 'pro-the US being the biggest, best, and baddest nation for all eternity,' yet still be patriotic and see our freedoms maintained, oh yes, and believe that the rich should have as much money as they can get in their pockets (I still love ol' George, Sr.'s "trickle-down" economics)????

What choice do I have? ...looks like I've got a dilemma...


Brittany said...

I see no dilemma in your for office. I'll vote for you! :)

billy said...

she's got a good solution there, tiberi. you'd have my vote too:)

good thoughts on the dichotomy that we find ourselves dealing with as political Americans. that's the beauty of democracy, though: we can still express whatever opinion we want, choosing whatever candidate we desire. the sad thing is, you never really know who is going to uphold the promises to do such-and-such. politicians are too easily swayed by the prevailing wind. i long to see a genuine, honest statesman long for office.

Troy said...

Thanks for your votes of confidence, but I think that's the only type of vote I'm qualified to receive. Votes for me should remain in the abstract realm rather than reality.

but if you feel differently, feel free to write-in my name on your presidential ballot.