Monday, November 19, 2007


I had forgotten how much I hated our educational system, but I am quickly being reminded.

I absolutely love learning. I love reading. I even like to write. But as soon as I receive this random point total that has been given as an arbitrary judgment, I begin to feel differently. Especially when this arbitrary grade must be maintained at a "B" level for me to stay in school. And then there's the kick in the pants when the grading scale is raised to an insanely high level. So, here at my lovely school, I must maintain an 87% or higher. 86% and below is a B-, which will put me on academic probation (and after the second term of below a 3.00, or below 87%, you're out of school for a semester). If I want to get an "A," I must have at least a 97%!

So, for one class, I have four grades which have all been completed. Two tests: each 99%. First paper - 92%. Second paper - 95%. Average these out and I have a 96.25%, which is an "A-". And this is definitely my best class so far...



Grandma said...

Absolutely fantastic.
You know what Grandpa would say.
"It's in the genes."
I am so proud of you.
Have a nice Thanksgiving and I will see you soon.!!!!!!!

Traci said...

Ridiculous!!!! Seriously, that's ridiculous. My blood pressure is rising for you.